The distance between Recife (PE) and Natal (RN) on the BR-101 is almost 300 km. Between the two capitals is João Pessoa (PB), which is 120 km and 188 km from both, respectively. The proximity of the three northeastern cities will be one of the factors that may attract the arrival of international tourists, especially from Argentina and Portugal.
To consolidate this itinerary, the Secretary of Tourism of João Pessoa, Daniel Rodrigues, met with the secretaries Fernando Fernandes (Natal) and Cacau de Paula (Recife), this Tuesday and Wednesday, to exchange experiences and ideas about a future joint action.
Aena Brasil started work on Tuesday (03) at the João Pessoa International Airport – Presidente Castro Pinto – and at the Campina Grande Airport – Presidente João Suassuna.
The purpose of the terminal renovation is to offer more comfort to passengers and users. The works include the complete renovation of the bathrooms, improvements in the air conditioning system, signage, painting, lighting and accessibility.